[核心存股] 蓋伊‧斯皮爾 Guy Spier-先假自己是非理性的

◇ 先假自己是非理性的

 I feel that the way people want to talk about their investing process is they want to put themselves into the shoes or into the minds or describe themselves as being like a fighter pilot, highly trained has all the instruments right there, has this finely tuned machine and he selects the target, he flies towards it and he drops a precision bomb on the target.


 That is our idealized and subconscious idea of how an investor goes about selecting stocks and managing the portfolio.


 I want to give you a different idea, I think that a better model is of a drunk, stumbling around a bar trying to find the drink and he’s trying to grab a drink, not a handle and he’s sort of stumbling around and he says the mind is all confused.


 Why do I say that?


 Because we have a very bad model of how our brains actually work and the reality is that our brains are not highly rational.


 The worst is you think when you’re smart because you’ve had what do I mean by smart I mean smart grades at things like mathematics and other subjects which require you to be highly focused so that develops the subjective sense that you are like a fighter pilot. So you start believing through superior intelligence and analytical ability that you can sort of hit the target.


 I think a better self-image is of being a drunk.


 If you perceive yourself as being a drunk in a bar you’re gonna set up different rules for yourself.


 So I believe that the vast majority of that I think you would call process and what I’m doing is I’m trying to set up an environment in that bar such that when I finally launch for the drink or call the drinks in this analogy. The investment I’ve launched for a good one.


 That process starts with just not doing anything to the portfolio, not engaging in trading fees, and allowing stocks to live in the portfolio for an extraordinarily long time.


 Select stocks that you can allow in the portfolio for an extraordinarily long time without looking at them too hard.


 The process is all assuming, I am assuming that at some point I will be irrational or that I’m continuously irrational.


◆ 策略的起點是在給自己一個自我防呆機制

  Guy Spier 在策略的概念上,相對於平常投資者的「精準投資」,更偏向先假定自己的隨時都有可能失效或者是有瑕疵的。





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