[核心存股] 高坦‧貝德 Gautam Baid-資訊超載的股價迷思與公司內在價值

◇ 資訊超載的股價迷思與公司內在價值

 We look at what happened last year, not a stock recommendation, but just look at what happened with Google.

  我們看看去年發生了什麼事,不是股票推薦,只是看看 Google 發生了什麼事。

 Moment Microsoft took in ChatGPT and Google did not really do well in the beginning.

  微軟收購 ChatGPT 後,Google 在初期表現不佳。

 And Google's price fell down to $80 and today it's $140.

  Google 的股價跌至 80 美元,今天是 140 美元。

 Did the intrinsic value of Google change by hundreds of billions of dollars in a matter of six months? No, right?

  Google 的內在價值在半年內變動了數千億美元嗎?沒有,對吧?

 But we just get so lost in the information overload that we panic and sell our high-quality Blue Chip stocks.


 That is not how long-term wealth is created. 


 You have to know Buffett became Buffett because he has been able to compound his money at a healthy dip for more than six to seven decades that is what made him it.

  你必須知道巴菲特之所以成為巴菲特,是因為他在 60 多年裡一直能夠以健康的幅度複利他的錢。

 I'm not saying what you sling onto a single stock for the long run. But at least remain invested in the market with a good portfolio over the long run.


 Only consider selling high-quality stocks when they become absolutely overvalued.


 I've seen over time in the market that, for these high-quality growth stocks they start off from a cheap valuation then they become reasonably valued, then they become expensively valued, and then finally they become absolutely overvalued.


 You have to hold on for that entire duration during the high growth phase of a company because the market in these cases keeps discounting earnings many years out and that is how you get a valuation rating.


 That is how you get life-changing muti-baggers in the stock market.


◆ 台股的優勢-月結營收報表







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