[核心存股] 阿斯瓦斯‧達摩德仁 Aswath Damodaran-從他人的投資理念中擷取適合自己的部分

 ◇ 從他人的投資理念中擷取適合自己的部分

 The host asked, "I'm wondering who has influenced your personal investing strategy the most?"


 I don't think it's a single person, it's a collection of people because I think one of the mistakes we make is we put human beings on pedestals and we want to be just like them.


 And I'll give you the perfect example. Warren Buffett an incredible investor, but people sometimes forget that he's human.


 He has his blind spots, and if you do exactly what he does, I'm not sure you'll deliver the results he got in the 1960s and 1970s or the results in the last 20 years.


 I think that you need to do is take what other people do, take what parts of what they do that work for you as a person.


 So it's a lesson I actually teach in one of my classes in Investment Philosophies is the one that fits you, not the one that fits Warren Buffett to Peter Lynch is some other great investor in the.


 Now, to be a successful investor, the person you have to understand your strong points, your weak points, what triggers you, and what doesn't trigger you, and then create an investment philosophy that matches your psychology and your personal makeup as a person.


 Spend some time knowing, and learning who you are as a person because that's a critical part of becoming a more successful investor.


◆ 學習是從模仿開始,但不要停滯在模仿階段





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