[核心理財] 史蒂夫‧阿德考克 Steve Adcock-財務自由後提早退休的三大疑慮

 ◇ 財務自由後提早退休的三大疑慮

 What have you found to be the pros and cons of early retirement?


 The pro is having my time, as you want to do whatever you want, but that's also the con.


 That's the exact same thing as the con, depending on who you are. If you're a very internally motivated person like me, and you just find things to do, you can be productive by pursuing your passions. It's great.


 You don't have to answer to anybody. You don't have to build things that have to make money.


 Even though you could, you don't have to.


 The money side is taken care of. You no longer have that draw, but that's also the con.


 The con is you have to fill your time with something.


 You no longer have that 09:00 to  05:00 job, that full-time work that consumes the majority of your time, quite frankly, the majority of your time.


 So, you don't really have to think about filling your days except for Saturday and Sunday, but it's easy when you have a full-time job, right?


 Because everything just gonna get pushed off.


 "Oh! We'll do that over the weekend. We'll do that on Saturday. "


 And so, you just naturally build your schedule.


 You build your time for the weekends when you can't really do much during the week.


 But when you can do anything you want during the week, that's gonna challenge for a lot of people drive a lot of social, I guess, benefits from working, your coworkers.


 You might go out to happy hours and do things with them.


 So that's your social outlet in some cases.


 When you no longer have coworkers, depending on where you live, you're just kind of home with your spouse and okay. If you don't have something to do, that might actually be a challenge.


 This actually leads to my third con. It seems like I have more cons than pros here, but if you have a relationship problem or quite frankly, and problem, early retirement will very likely make it worse.


 And the reason is that you have more time to stew on that problem, especially if it's a relationship problem, spending more time around your spouse.


 If there's something going on, it might not help. In fact, it might make it worse.


 So you think for a lot of people, if you fall into that boat or you think that that might be a problem, that's gonna be something that you probably need to at least start working towards before you call it quits.


 You don't have to have it all figured out. But if you think that early retirement is just gonna make things better, it magically makes things better, That you're just gonna turn into this happy person overnight, that's not the way this works.


 If you're an unhappy negative person before you retire, you're probably gonna be a negative, unhappy person after you retire because there's gonna be things that you find and you're just gonna make them negative.


 But if you're a happy person before, guess what?


 You're absolutely gonna be happy. The goal is happier after you retire.


◆ 錢不會讓你變得更快樂



  Steve Adcock 對於想在追求財富自由後退休的人說的是,我們不該以退休為目標,要思考的是,在我們解開任何人生束縛後,我們想要做什麼。

<<上一篇:史蒂夫‧阿德考克 Steve Adcock-財務自由就退休?要先知道自己退休後要做什麼。

下一篇:蓋瑞‧米蘇里斯 Gary Mishuris-不要專注在短期收益上>>

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