[核心存股] 蓋瑞‧米蘇里斯 Gary Mishuris-不要專注在短期收益上

  ◇ 不要專注在短期收益上

 I think the best thing is to not track your portfolio versus the market over short periods of time.


 The reason is that the more you're focused on how you're doing versus the market in the short term, the worse you'll do actually versus the market in absolute terms.


 So I think that your best bet is just to focus on absolute returns.


 I don't invest intentionally in investment that I think is going to produce less than a 12% annualized rate of return. Am I going to get investments that do worse?


 I don't intentionally invest. So I'm not gonna go and buy a bund that's yielding 5% or something like that. That's just not what makes sense to me.


 But if you start focusing and zooming in and be like, "Hey, how am I doing relative to the marker? This week? This month? This year? "


 I think that's gonna start affecting the way you construct the portfolio and you're gonna start letting some dude at the S&P500 or whatever that help you determine what should be in your portfolio.


 Whether you hold TESLA or not. It should really not be a function where some person at S&P500 decides, that should be an index.


 It's either a good investment for you in your now or it's not.


 Track your performance less against the market instead track your portfolio companies against your thesis for them.


 Meaning is your thesis which presumably was promising you a high rate of return which is why you invested in it.


◆ 專注在自己的績效




  比起 Gary Mishuris 完全反對短中長期的績效比較,我是認為比較還是有一定的必要性,但如果正在創造自己的策略,我們應該是要想著新方法打敗大盤,而不是被我們嫌棄的大盤或者ETF效益中找尋答案。先創造出自己的核心理論,再圍繞著核心理論一層層的向外擴張,把自己的策略創造出來。

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