[核心存股] 史考特‧納遜斯 Scott Nations-不要讓過去發生的事成了阻止自己投資的原因

 ◇ 不要讓過去發生的事成了阻止自己投資的原因

 If you insist on believing that what's happened recently is more relevant than the long history of the performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average back to 1896, then you're fooling yourself, you simply are.

  如果你堅持認為最近發生的事情比道瓊指數自 1896 年以來的長期表現更重要,那麼你就是在欺騙自己。

 There are all human biases, so it's easy to fall for.


 We tend to think that whatever's happened recently is more likely to happen again.


 It's that people tend to think that the things that they are able to call to mind that are available in their memory are more common than they are.


 If you're me, you can remember the stock market crash of 1987. You can remember what happened in 2008 and 2009. You might be able to remember the flash crash in 2010 or the COVID-19 crash.


 Most people, everybody's heard about the crash of 1929. A lot of people have heard about the crash, the panic of 1907.


 If you are always invested with the idea that a stock market crash is just around the corner, then you're never going to be in the stock market.


 You're never going to be invested in the stock market and that's a horrible way, terrible way to try to save for retirement or for somebody's education.


◆ 歷史是用來借鑑不是用來恐嚇自己


  那他們錯過了什麼? 錯過了33年來股市從低點到現在年化報酬不含息大約6%,計入配息扣除持有成本也大約10%的年化報酬,錯過了資產翻二十幾倍的管道,因為恐懼而失去的財富累積太多太多了。



<<上一篇:史考特‧納遜斯 Scott Nations-對創始人、經營者的崇拜不該市買股票的理由

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