[核心存股] 史考特‧納遜斯 Scott Nations-股市投資需要承擔多少風險?

 ◇ 股市投資需要承擔多少風險?

 Somebody earned, or made 20% in the stock market in a particular year, and the stock market's only up a fraction of that, you have to ask, how much risk were they taking?


 Let's talk about individual and risk-taking. It's not so much that people should take more or less risk, other than the obvious demographic situations.


 My point about risk-taking is that you take the amount of risk that's appropriate for you, but realize that risk is the price you pay for the return you get in the stock market.


 If you think you're going to invest in the stock market and earn 7% or 8% a year over time, that's about what the U.S. stock has returned since indexes started measuring return in the late 1800s.

  如果你想要在股市中傳差不多每年7% ~ 8%的報酬,那剛好是美國股市指數從1800年末開始後到現在的年化報酬率。

 If you expect to earn 7% or 8% a year, sometimes you're just going to be along for the ride. That is the risk.


 So you don't have to embrace risk, but you have to recognize it. Don't think that you can short circuit risk.


 There's a famous Peter Lynch quote, that's the long-time, famous Fidelity mutual fund manager. He said, "The secret to making many in stock is to not get scared out of them. "


 It's not so much about taking risks. I think it's just about investing, continuing to invest, and not trying to get out of the market or time the market.


 If you cannot sleep at night, it's not so much that you have too much risk. I think you're thinking about the stock market incorrectly.


 Have the right amount of risk, but in a situation like this, if you can't sleep well, then you probably just thinking about the risk wrong.


 It may not be that you have too much risk. You're probably just thinking about risk wrong.


◆ 恐懼來自於未知,先假設最壞狀況




<<上一篇:史考特‧納遜斯 Scott Nations-關於股市紀律,判別自己的投資、投機屬性。

下一篇:史考特‧納遜斯 Scott Nations-處置效應:投資人的出售決定受到股價的影響。>>

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