[核心存股] 尼克‧馬吉烏力 Nick Maggiulli-等待時機反而會錯過時機

 ◇ 等待時機反而會錯過時機

 It was early 2017. Remember some of the comments I got were like, "Oh, valuations are too high. We can't be buying right now. The market is gonna crash," the same old stuff that I've always heard.


 Sometimes they'll be right.


 But even if you had stayed off the market and were holding cash then and you waited until the absolute minimum, the lowest point we had in March 2020, which was March 23rd, and you went until the market was down 33% and you put all your cash in. 


 You still would've bought at a price that was 7% higher than you would've bought in 2017.


 Most of these dips happen, they dip to a price that's still higher than what you could have gotten if you just invested at the beginning.


 That's the real issue with buying the dip is people wait in cash. And even if you got it right once, you're going to get it wrong later.


 So it's something that kills you slowly, not quickly.


 Buying the dip, you're like, "Oh, wow, I'm not gonna experience a market crash by doing that. "


 It's true.


 But at the same time, there's gonna be some point in the future when you're sitting in cash for years and the market is just rallying upward and you missed out big and that's when it gets you.


 If doesn't happen right away, you might have gotten lucky once. Anyone with a 40 or 50-year time horizon is gonna underperform relative to someone who's just buying every single month.

  它不會馬上就發生,你可能會是那個幸運的那位。但與每個月都購買的人相比,跟任何擁有 40 年或 50 年投資期限的人都會相對表現不佳。

◆ 不要隨便等待市場低點


  Nick Maggiulli 所舉的例子還是在美國相對配息較低的狀況下,依照彼得林區所統計,市場平均每兩年會有一次10%的市場波動,每六年會有一次25%的牛熊市反轉。我們以平均值來算,投資在一個穩定成長的自由市場上,台股年均殖利率經過我們挑挑揀揀的篩選過後起碼也會有個5%,六年期間持有成本扣掉配息,僅以第一年的配息來算六年,累積最少也會扣除30%成本,如果配息跟著公司成長而成長了,六年的時間累積扣除後的持有成本剩下原本的50~60%也是正常的事,也就是說,市場的平均波動下來,100元的成本六年後持有成本會剩下50~60元。



<<上一篇:史考特‧納遜斯 Scott Nations-不要讓過去發生的事成了阻止自己投資的原因

下一篇:尼克‧馬吉烏力 Nick Maggiuli-如何在不理性的市場崩潰中自處>>

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