[核心理財] 傑洛米‧施耐德 Jeremy Schneider-購買人壽保險的原則

 ◇ 購買人壽保險的原則

 With regard to life insurance, it's actually very simple.


 If no one depends on your work to survive, you don't have kids or dependents or something like that, it doesn't even necessarily need to be your financial job.


 If you're staying at home, parents and your spouse work, you are part of that team that's providing for those kids.


 So if you have kids, you need life insurance because if you were to die, then as much of a tragedy,  it would be a financial mess, because of your dependence, your kids, or whoever would not have enough money to survive.


 If you don't have kids and if no one depends on your income. So if you're a 25-year-old teacher and you have no kids and don't have a sick brother or something who depends on your income to live, you don't need life insurance.


 Because if you die, no one starves. You don't need it. You just absolutely don't.


 For example, I don't have kids, I don't have life insurance.


 Even if I did have kids, I wouldn't have life insurance because I have 4.5 million dollars. 


 If I were to die, my kid would have plenty enough money to make it till they're 18 and 20. There's no need.


 The only point of life insurance is to cover that gap until your dependents because no longer dependent and your death is no longer a financial tragedy.


 Term life insurance covers you for a certain period of years, 10, 15, or 20 years, and then during that time, if you die, your beneficiaries get a big payment.


 And then, when what 20 year-period is up, you're in a situation where you don't need life insurance anymore because your dependents are grown and you have been investing for 20 years and you're wealthy and then you're now self-insured where your dependents would get your inheritance when you die.


◆ 壽險是用來補足家人的財務風險





<<上一篇:亞當‧賽賽爾 Adam Seessel-衡量價值,最後才確認價格。

下一篇:傑洛米‧施耐德 Jeremy Schneider-那些阻礙人生財務規劃的終身保險>>

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