[核心存股] 霍華德‧馬克思 Howard Marks-情緒是投資績效最大的敵人

 ◇ 情緒是投資績效最大的敵人

 Emotion is the greatest enemy of superior investing.


 If you take a look at most people in that they're called the herd or the consensus, as the economy does well, as the company's profits grow, as it reports higher earnings, as the stock rises, most people are more and more and more excited about it.


 More optimistic, more trusting, and more inclined to buy.


 So the higher the price, the more buying they do.


 Then eventually things stop going so well. The economy turns down, the corporation's profits contract and three earnings announcements are negative, the price of the stock declines, and people get pessimistic and depressed, and more likely to sell.


 So higher the price, the more likely they are to buy, the lower the price, the more likely they are to sell.


 This is the opposite of what we should be doing.


 We should be selling out as the price rises, perhaps when it gets unreasonable, and we should be getting in with both feet in when it falls.


 So clearly, most human emotion is arrayed against doing the right thing.


 And there are a lot of other examples, not just that, but there's a reason why Buffet said, "The less prudence with which others conduct their affairs, the greater the prudence with which we must conduct our own affairs. When other people are unafraid, we should be terrified because that means they'll pay prices that are too high. When other people are terrified, we should turn to aggresses because their terror makes things available to us cheaply."


 I mean the great investors I know are unemotional about their investing and they go counter to these trends.


◆ Be a robot when you are investing



<<上一篇:霍華德‧馬克思 Howard Marks-從時事新聞的獲利已不如從前

下一篇:史考特‧納遜斯 Scott Nations-關於股市紀律,判別自己的投資、投機屬性。>>

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