English Grammar -Zero Infinitive 零不定詞

 ◇ Zero Infinitive

  所謂的不定詞就是「動詞的原形」,而並不是我們以前常聽到的不定詞就一定會有 to。其實 to 不定詞只是其中一種,另外一種其實我們也很常見到的是「零不定詞」,或稱為「裸不定詞」(bare infinitive)。這種零不定詞會出現在一些片語中,例如 let alone、can't help but,另外也有 why not 等疑問詞後的動詞,都保持原形。只是比較需要特別注意的是, let alone 後方的動詞形式雖然可以是動詞原形,反應的其實是句子前方另一個相對應的動詞形式。假如前方為過去式,則 let alone 會接過去式;假如前方為現在分詞,則 let alone 會銜接現在分詞,依此類推。舉例來說, They won't touch a doorknob without sanitizing it, let alone shake hands 這句,其中 shake 的型態對應的是前方原形touch 的動詞型態;另外像是 She isn't talking to me, let alone speaking with me. 其中分詞 speaking 對應前方現在分詞 talking 的型態。另一方面, What I want to tell you is + V 或是 All you have to do is + V 這種直接在 be 動詞後加上的動詞,是原形,也是零不定詞。


1. It's incredible that the 12-year-old managed to even reach the pedals, let alone drove the car.


2. I couldn't help but notice that your t-shirt has come Korean writing on it. Do you know what it says?

  我沒辦法不注意你 T-shirt 上的韓文,你知那是什麼意思嗎?

3. All ever wanted to do is buy kids some Christmas gifts even though I knew very well we were on a tight budget.



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