English Grammar -Worth, Worthy, Worthwhile / Worth, Worthy, Worthwhile 三者用法

◇  Worth, Worthy, Worthwhile 
 Worth, Worthy, Worthwhile 三者用法

  Worth 可以當形容詞也可以當名詞。當形容詞時,前面常常會搭配 be 動詞、seem 或是 look,用來表達某事物的價值,結構是「be worth + 價值」。例如:This necklace is worth two thousand dollars. 而若要表達「值得做某事」可以說 be worth doing something。 第二, worthy 一字同樣當作形容詞,後方可以加上不定詞 be worthy to do something,抑或是 be worthy of sth,例如:Sam's work attitude is worthy of praise. 要注意的是, be worthy of 後方通常不加金額。最後,worthwhile 也是個形容詞,意思是「值得的、值得花費時間 / 金錢的」,它跟一般形容詞的用法是一樣的,可以放在 be 動詞、seem 或是 look 等連綴動詞後面,也可以置於名詞前。例如:She considers teaching a worthwhile career.


1. The museum is worth a visit.


2. Two points in this report are especially worthy of notice.


3. If you need him on this project, you've got to make it financially worthwhile for him.



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