English Grammar -Usage of Seem / Seem 的用法

 ◇ Usage of Seem 
 Seem 的用法

 seem/appear 在英語中是個地位非常特殊的動詞,當作「似乎」講時,嚴格說起來並沒有實質的意義。seem/appear 的主詞可以為虛主詞 it,句型為 It seems/appears that...。它們的主詞也可以為真的人、事、物,句型為 S+seem/appear+to 不定詞。舉例來說 people think that time seems to speed up as they grow older. 就是個例子。也可搭配 as though、like、as if 構成 it seems as though/like/as if 的句型,如 it appears as though the sight and sound are synchronized. 最後, seem/appear 也可以作為連綴動詞,後方直接銜接形容詞,例如 Susan appeared tired. 上述說了四個 seem/appear 的句型,再看看下方的例句熟悉一下吧!


1. They seem to be taking a long time to decide.


2. It seems to me that he isn't the right person for the job.


3. You've got to appear calm in an interview even if you're terrified underneath.



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