English Grammar -Usage of Be Used to / Be used to 的用法

 ◇ Usage of Be Used to 
 Be used to 的用法

  我們用「used to + 不定詞」來表示過去重複發生的動作或狀態,但這個過去情況現在已經不是事實。與「used to + 不定詞」不同,「Be used to」的意思是「習慣某件事物」, "It's important to realize and acknowledge this since the world is so used to trying to mold introverts into extroverts." 講者用 "be used to" 指出大家已習慣 "trying to mold introverts into extroverts" 這件事。「used to + 不定詞」和「Be used to」很容易混淆,我們看看其他例子來熟悉這兩種用法:


1. She used to be a long-distance runner when she was younger.


2. She is used to running long distances since she's been doing it from a young age.


3. He wasn't used to walking so much and his leg hurt after the hike.



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