English Grammar -To-infinitive / 不定詞 To

◇  To-infinitive
不定詞 To

  To 不定詞(to 加上動詞原形)在句子中的功能很多,今天重點放在 to 不定詞用來表示「原因」、「目的」。例如 They dredge mud from the pond bottom to seal the dam. 這裡 to seal the dam 就是海狸撈取池塘底部泥土的目的,這裡的 to 是可以與慣用語 in order to 或 so as to 交替使用。


1. Do you have any other work for me to do?


2. To find any hint of the crime, the police listened carefully to all the recordings.


3. Stop lying! You need to tell everyone the truth immediately.

  別再說謊了! 你必須告訴大家實話。


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