English Grammar -The Second Conditional 第二類條件句

 ◇ The Second Conditional

  我們都知道第二類條件式中的從屬子句,也就是 if 子句中的動詞會以過去式的型態來呈現,表示與「現在的事實不符」的意味,而主要子句會用「現在條件式」,也就是 would/could/should 搭配原形動詞。在從屬子句中,were to 的使用更凸顯了此條件句所述的情況「極不可能」、「完全不可能發生」或「後果會非常可怕,讓人不敢再想下去」。須格外注意,這種特殊句型只用於 if 子句,且單複數同形。例如 If everyone were to change how they look at food... 也就意味著「不可能每個人都改變對食物的看法」。


1. If the sun were to rise in the west, Lauren would go on a date with you.

  太陽如果會從西邊出來, Lauren 就會跟你約會。

2. If Adelaide were to fail her test tomorrow, she would have to wait another three years.

  假如 Adelaide 明天考試沒有過的話,他就要再等三年了。

3. If he didn't mean to argue with everyone all the time, he would have had a more relaxed life.



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