English Grammar -Relative Pronouns - Which / 關係代詞 which

 ◇ Relative Pronouns - Which 
 關係代詞 which

  書面上,逗號之後加一個 which 通常是用於為前面的從句補充額外資訊,像 "...meeting and mating with just one person for life, which some of us will be fortunate enough to do...";此外,介系詞也可以移到 which 之前,來引介前方子句和後方子句的關係,例如下面的例句 2. 跟 3. 是一樣的意思。


1. That bar on the street, which by the way is very nice, is owned by Trevor's brother.

  這條街上的那家酒吧非常棒,是 Trevor 的哥哥開的。

2. She has the kind of lifestyle which most of us aspire to.


3. She has the kind of lifestyle to which most of us aspire.



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