English Grammar -Relative Pronouns vs. Relative Adverbs / 關係代名詞vs關係副詞

 ◇ Relative Pronouns vs. Relative Adverbs 
 關係代名詞 vs. 關係副詞

  常見的關係代名詞和關係副詞多以 wh- 開頭,如 who、whose、which等,而關係副詞有 where、when。關係代名詞可代替先行詞 (關代前的名詞),例如 And unlike Xi Jinping, whose term is unlimited, Trump faces voters next year 這句就是用 whose 來描述 Xi Jinping。 Whose 是 who 的所有格,代表「習近平的…」。另外,當一個動詞片語包含介系詞時,可把介系詞「移到關代之前」,或直接省略介係詞而使用關係副詞。舉例來說,... not one in which the U.S. is involved 可以改成 not one where the U.S. is involved。這種副詞取代介系詞+名詞的概念,其實我們已經很熟悉了,例如 I lived in the city, in the city 就可以被 there 取代。


1. That college where I studied ten years ago is beautiful.


2. It's one of the few countries where people drive on the right.


3. Not only is he in a position where he has to make tough decisions, but he also doesn't cop out of them.



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