English Grammar -Relative Clauses 關係子句

◇ Relative Clauses

  關係子句係由關係代名詞 (who、whom、which、that) 或關係副詞 (when、where、why) 所引導的形容詞子句。關係子句本身必須具備主詞和動詞,有時關係代名詞也同時兼主詞的角色。 文法重點著重在以 which 引導出的「非限定關係子句」,非限定就是沒有特指、標記先行詞 (被修飾的名詞) 的特點,而僅對先行詞或用於為前面的子句做補充額外資訊,書面英語中通常用於逗號之後。例如 The appeal of Gudetama's melancholy stands in contrast to the American concept of cuteness, which is pretty straightforward. 此處逗號後的 which 是修飾前方的整個子句 (事件),而並非單單只修飾 cuteness 一字而已。


1. Elene argues all the time, which is truly disturbing. Now everyone practically stopped talking to her.

  Elene 總是在詭辯,那真的很煩人。現在大家基本上都不跟她說話了。

2. Anyway, that evening. I ended up staying at Maximus' place, which I'll tell you more about later.

  總之,那天夜裡我住在 Maximus 那,我之後會告訴你更多那天晚上的是。

3. New cases are popping out every day, which means the fight against the deadly virus is far from over.



較新的 較舊