English Grammar -Prepositions - Without / 介係詞 Without

  ◇ Prepositions - Without 
 介係詞 Without

  這次要來和大家介紹without的用法。首先,with有「有著」的意思,所以顧名思義,without就是「沒有、缺乏」的意思。例如:There are people out there who live without chopsticks.(世界上有生活中沒有筷子的人。) 另外,without後面不一定要加實體的人或物,也可以加一個抽象的概念或條件,表達「缺乏…」的意思。跟with不同, without 的後面只能加名詞或是動名詞Ving(with的後面可以加 受詞 + 形容詞/現在分詞Ving/過去分詞Vpp)。例如:Because it was a way for you to stir and to reach without getting burned as the water was boiling in these really big pots. (因為這樣你就可以伸手攪拌,不用擔心被這些大鍋子內沸騰的水燙到。) 以下我們再來看看更多例句:


1. You can't work continuously for six hours without a break.


2. Cynthia left without saying goodbye.

  Cynthia 沒有說再見就離開了。

3. Without his advice, I couldn't have done it.



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