English Grammar -Participle Phrases 分詞片語

 ◇ Participle Phrases

  分詞片語以及關係子句本質上沒有太大的差別,只是在句子中構成有些微差異。首先,分詞片語直接修飾前方的先行詞,對先行詞做直接的敘述,可以與限定關係子句做替換,通常具有「形容詞」的功能。例如,17 percent of young Americans now believe that a man inviting a woman out for a drink constitutes sexual harassment. 其中 inviting a woman out for a drink 可以等於 who invites a woman out for a drink,意思是「約女性出去喝一杯的」男生。 再來 Romantic pursuit is being cordoned off into a prearranged online space that, for many people, does more to suck up time than create successful matches, leaving them confused and overwhelmed. 其中 leaving 等於 which leaves...,所修飾的就是前面整個事件/事情。


1. The boy sitting next to Anna is Chris.

  坐在 Anna 旁邊的男孩是 Chris。

2. The student giving me a call last night was Thomas.

  昨晚打給我的學生是 Thomas。

3. A pedestrian hit by a speeding taxi was lying in the street.



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