English Grammar -Participle Clauses 分詞構句

 ◇ Participle Clauses

  今天要介紹的是分詞構句與被動式結合的用法。讓我們先看看例句:For example, the number thirteen was associated with the biblical Last Supper, where Jesus Christ dined with his twelve disciples just before being arrested and crucified. 這句同時出現了「分詞構句」和「被動語態」。首先,我們可以注意到,「耶穌被逮捕並被釘在十字架上之前」的寫法應為 "before Jesus Christ was arrested and crucified" 。然而, before 之後並沒有主詞 Jesus Christ 或代名詞 he。這是因為此句前面 "where Jesus Christ dined with his twelve disciples" 就已經提過耶穌,所以可以用分詞構句的文法,把動詞改成現在分詞(Ving),來避免主詞重複。該句變化如下: 1. (原句)before Jesus Christ was arrested and crucified 2. (省略主詞)before was arrested and crucified 3. (動詞改成現在分詞)before being arrested and crucified


1. Being caught cheating, Samuel received great punishment.

  Samuel 因為被抓到作弊,所以受到了嚴厲的處分。

2. Despite being raised by wealthy parents, Tracy is not happy about her life.

  儘管 Tracy 是被富裕的父母養大的,但她對於自己的人生並不開心。

3. Being sentenced to life in prison, this notorious criminal finally ended his rampage.



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