English Grammar -Participle Clauses 分詞構句

◇ Participle Clauses

  分詞構句是一個由「分詞」為首的從屬子句,目的在於精簡整個句子。分詞構句的主詞其實就是主要子句的主詞,由於主詞都是一致的,因而省略。從屬子句可以表示原因、條件、時間先後等。例如 If he gets annoyed, he will do something crazy. 這句,省略連接詞、主詞後,留下過去分詞 annoyed,句子就會變成 Annoyed, he will do something crazy。然而若是要特別強調條件,則連接詞 if 也是可以留下的,變成 If annoyed, he'll do something crazy。 因此我們可以得知,例句 Though meant as an insult, dogs were actually a good symbol for his philosophy 一句,是省略了主詞 dogs 與 be 動詞 were (須觀察主要子句時態) 而構成的分詞構句。


1. Though having done her best, Jemma was still unsuccessful in her job interview this time.

  雖然已經盡力了,Jemma 這次的面試依然沒有成功。

2. Feeling absolutely irritated by the customer's attitude, Roy finally decided to quit.

  因為被客戶徹底激怒了, Roy 最後決定辭職。

3. Unless following the instructions, you will not be able to assemble this successfully.



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