English Grammar -Participle Clauses 分詞構句

 ◇ Participle Clauses

  這次要跟大家介紹分詞構句省略重複主詞時,要注意的事情。我們來看看句子:For six months, Theresa May tried to reassure lawmakers that her deal was the best possible way to leave the EU, saying an abrupt exit would be difficult for citizens and businesses. (六個月以來, Theresa May 試著要說服議院成員,說她的脫歐版本是最好的,且唐突地脫歐會對市民及企業造成傷害。)這句話有兩個動詞:tried 和 saying。依句意和上下文來看,可以發現 tried 和 saying 的動詞主體都是 Theresa May。所以其實這句原本應該是:For six months, Theresa May tried to reassure lawmakers that her deal was the best possible way to leave the EU, and she said an abrupt exit would be difficult for citizens and businesses. 此時可重複的主詞可以省略。但是當連接詞與主詞省略後,其後的動詞型態也要有所變化,變成分詞。至於是要變成現在分詞(V-ing)還是過去分詞(V p.p.),就要看該動詞是否是被動態。如果不是被動的話,該動詞改為 V-ing;如果是被動,則保留 V p.p. 的型態。這裡由於 Theresa May 說話並不是一個被動的動作,所以改為現在分詞 saying。可以注意,這裡的現在分詞和現在進行式並沒有關係喔。


1. Seeing his son arrive home safe and sound, John burst into tears.

  看到他的兒子平安回家後, John 突然哭了出來˙。

2. The guy said goodbye, walking out of the restaurant.


3. Accused of negligence, the surgeon was fired.



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