English Grammar -Modals Verbs of Deduction and Speculation 情態助動詞推斷語氣

 ◇ Modals Verbs of Deduction and Speculation

  我們經常使用 could have 搭配過去分詞 (p.p.) 與 might have 加 p.p. 來對「過去」做一種可能性、機率上的推測、假設。兩者皆可以表達「可能過去發生哪些事」。然而 could have p.p. 有另一層意思:「過去本來有能力可以做到某事,但卻沒有達成」。 It could have been blasted out of a volcano. 為例,意思就是「它過去可能是從火山噴發出來的」。假如我們要描述某件事情是「現在當下的情況下有可能發生的事情」,我們則會直接以 can/could/may/might 銜接 be 動詞原形即可,無須再搭配完成式。例如我們只是單純陳述一件事情的可能性時,用現在式即可:This new drug can/could be an important step in the fight against cancer.「這種新藥可能是攻克癌症過程中邁出的重要一步」。


1. They could have won the race, but they didn't try hard enough.


2. She could have forgotten to bring the keys with her this morning because she had already woken up late.


3. Yoshi might have been taking a shower when you called.

  你打過來時 Yoshi 可能在洗澡。 


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