English Grammar -Inversion 倒裝句

 ◇ Inversion

 Today we will look at inverted sentences with prepositions placed at the beginning of the sentences. Normally, the English word order of a structure is the subject-verb word order, but when we invert a sentence, we place the verb before the noun. Take this sentence as an example, "And inside most of the large bones of your skeleton is a hollow core filled with soft bone marrow." Here, instead of the subject, the preposition "inside" is placed before the verb "is," and the subject is placed after the verb.

  介系詞搭配一個地點可以形成地方副詞片語,例如:among the hills、in the classroom、on the bus 等。這些地方副詞通常會放在句尾,然而當我們要特地強調地點、時間時,或是以一種比較文雅的方式呈現我們的言語時,就可以這樣說。例如我們可以說,舉例來說,假設我們要說「一個很帥的王子住在城堡裡。」我們會說 In the castle lives a charming prince. 在把地方副詞或介系詞片語移動到句首後 (Topicalisation),我們會將句子內的主要動詞(通常是連綴動詞或不及物動詞 be、come、go、remain、live、stand、exist 等)與主詞的位置互換,從上方 live 與主詞 a charming prince 的位置我們就可以窺知一二。


1. Inside the bottle is some wine.


2. At the bottom of the wardrobe lay an old pair of shoes of yours.


3. On the roof was found a bloody scarf.



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