English Grammar -Inversion with Negative Adverbials 否定副詞倒裝句

 ◇ Inversion with Negative Adverbials

  大家都覺得對 not only..., but (also) 這個句型熟到無法再熟,但你確定你真的知道它怎麼使用嗎? 因為 not only 算是一種否定副詞,而英文中某些特定的否定副詞 (not only、not until、only with、never、scarcely...) 可以「放到句首」,並將原本的「助動詞與主詞位置互換」構成「倒裝句」唷。 not only do we see decreased blood pressure, but it can also increase the variability of your heart rate.,大家可以注意到句首的 not only,且 do 與 we 的位置有別於一般直述句。


1. Not only is this article too long and detailed, but it also lacks images, so I've divided it into three general sections: Observation, Usage, and Opinions.


2. Not only did Jemma win the race, but she also beat the record.

  Jemma 不但贏得了比賽,也打破了紀錄。

3. Not only was he the best president ever of that country, but also a good father.



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