English Grammar -Conjunctions - While / 連接詞 While

 ◇ Conjunctions - While 
 連接詞 While

  這次要來介紹while的用法。While最主要有兩個層面的意思:一個是表達時間,作「當…時」解釋;另一個是表達對比關係,有「雖然」或「但是」之意。讓我們來看看例句: 1. It can also cause problems with language and perception, such as the lack of emotion while speaking. (還可能造成語言和感知的問題。像是說話時缺少情緒。) 2. While your left brain might help you take a test, the right brain can tell you how many boxes are still on the delivery pallet at work. (雖然左腦可以幫你考試,但右腦可以告訴你工作托盤上還有多少盒子。) 另外,while和when的差別,在於動作行進時間的長短。while指的是「背景動作」,而when則是「瞬間動作」。 例如: I saw him when he jumped out of the car. (看到和跳車都是瞬間動作,用when) I was drinking beer while my husband was swimming in the pool. (喝酒和游泳都是持續時間較長的動作,用while) 以下再提供其他例句:


1. While the new product has many functions, it might not become popular due to its price.


2. My brother always passes exams with flying colors while I often fail.


3. I found these photos while I was cleaning out my cupboards.



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