English Grammar -Conjunctions - While 從屬連接詞 While

 ◇ Conjunctions - While
從屬連接詞 While

  While 作為從屬連接詞,有三種用法。1. while 等同 although 有「雖然...;儘管… 」的意思。 就像例子 While it's tough to make direct comparisons, Norway is doing something right when it comes to incarceration. 2. 第二種用法就是把 while 作為 「當... 的時候」語意跟 during the time that 表示「在這段時間」」的意思,是可以放在句中或句首的喔!(请看例句 2)3. 置於句首或句中時可以表達「而... ;但...」用來表達前後句子的對比。如同:While Norway's two-year recidivism rate is the lowest in the world, America's is one of the highest. 請看以下例句作為補充說明:


1. While Sandra has never been to Korea, she speaks perfect Korean.

  儘管 Sandra 沒有去過韓國,她卻說著流利的韓語。

2. While he was doing his Christmas shopping, he saw the girl of his dream.


3. Alex gets a student discount for the movie tickets, while I don't.

  Alex 的電影票有學生優惠,而我沒有。


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