English Grammar -Compare and Contrast 比較句型

 ◇ Compare and Contrast

  比較句型顧名思義就是將句子中的兩件事物做「同等」的比較(compare),也就是「相似之處」的比較,以及「不對等」的對比(contrast),或者說是「相異處」的比對。這些句型會搭配有比較意味的副詞或介系詞片語,如前述大致上可分成兩類。(1) Compare:as well as、the same as、just as、in addition to、similarly 等。(2) Contrast:nevertheless、on the other hand、while、whereas、regardless、instead (of) 等。上述例子都帶有比較意味。例句 On the other hand, introverts expend their energy by living inside and spending time alone. 中的 on the other hand(另一方面)正是一種對比。


1. At this point, the chance of survival is pretty slim. Nevertheless, we're gonna do everything we can to find her.


2. My girlfriend loves cats, whereas I am a big fan of amphibians like frogs.


3. Lucien always has a positive attitude regardless of the hardship in his life.

  Lucien 總是保有積極的態度,不管生活多困難。


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