English Grammar -Adverbs of Frequency 頻率副詞

◇ Adverbs of Frequency

 When we want to find out the "frequency" of something taking place, we would use the "How often...?" sentence pattern. In answering, the common adverbs of frequency are (listed from most to least frequent ): always, usually, normally/generally, often, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, never, etc. They are generally placed before a verb and after an auxiliary verb (be-verb included). However, certain phrases, such as all the time (always), a lot (often), every now and then (sometimes), etc., will be placed at the end of a sentence.

  英文中,當我們詢問從事某件事或狀態發生的「頻率」時,會用 How often...? 這個句型。而答句中,常見的頻率副詞由高至低分別有 always、usually、normally/generally、often、sometimes、occasionally、seldom、never 等。位置通常是在一般動詞之前、助動詞(含 be 動詞)之後。然而某些片語,例如 all the time (always)、a lot (often)、every now and then (sometimes) 等,通常則會在句尾。


1. I eat at this restaurant a lot.


2. He plays basketball with his father all the time.


3. We never go out to eat on weekdays.



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