English Grammar -Adverbs of Degree - Too / 程度副詞 Too 用法

 ◇ Adverbs of Degree - Too 
 程度副詞 Too 用法

  英語中有一組程度副詞,有著非常特殊的句構,它們分別為 so、too、that、how、as 這五個。我們可以用這五個程度副詞 + adjective (of) + a/an + 名詞,來修飾這個名詞在某種性質上強烈的程度。但要特別注意這種修飾名詞極端性質的用法是比較「正式」的,而且只能用不定冠詞 a/an,不能使用定冠詞 the;此外,複數名詞不適用這種用法。首先我們來看一、so 的句型:He was so fascinating a guy that I couldn’t help staring open-mouthed. 二、that 的句型習慣上則會加上一個 of,請參考例句:It wasn’t that nice of a host family after all. 三、how 則與 that 有相同情況,通常形容詞後會有一個介系詞,就很像我們說 That's very kind of you 中的 of 功能類似,例句:How fun of a book do you need to keep you up all night? 四、as 索引導出來的名詞,意思則是並不如預期、想像中的...,例句:It wasn’t as sunny a day as I thought it would be. 最後是本課 too 的句型:It was too cold a night to wander the streets. 注意,正規的文法中, too + adj. + a/an + noun 這組字串中,of 是不符合文法的。但是,越來越多的母語使用者會將 of 置於形容詞與冠詞之間,也不會使人誤解。 Adverbs of degree tell us about the intensity or degree of an action, an adjective, or another adverb.


1. Are you sure you're gonna go swimming now? Don't you reckon it's too cold a day for that?


2. Medusa is too polite a  person to refuse.

  Medusa 就是個太好的人,才不懂得拒絕。

3. Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature.



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