English Grammar -Adverbs of Degree: so...that... / 程度副詞強調句型:so...that...

◇ Adverbs of Degree: so...that... 

  so + 形容詞/副詞 + that... 這個句型有「強調」的功能,表示「如此...以至於...」,例如說 "The problem has gotten so bad that fans are turning to social media to decry to lack of frozen treats." 意思是說,問題「過於」糟糕,「以致於」粉絲開始到社群媒體抨擊。


1. Audrey worked so hard that she was promoted.

  Audrey 如此認真工作,以至於她被升職了。

2. Mary is so tall that she can get the book from the bookshelf.

  Mary 夠高,以助於他可以從書架上拿下這本書。

3. Jerry is so clumsy that he always trips over the edge of the sidewalk.

  Jerry 非常笨拙,總是被人行道邊緣絆倒。


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