English Grammar -Adverbs of Degree - Even / 程度副詞 - even

 ◇ Adverbs of Degree - Even 
 程度副詞 - even

  Even 作為程度副詞,用來表達預期之外的情緒,像是「出乎意料」、「驚訝」、「不尋常」、或是「程度上更甚」等等。 例句: But if a camera is moving sideways, that color block doesn't even have to take over the whole frame. 如果攝影機是橫向移動的話,色塊甚至不用填滿整個畫面。 句子加上 even 在動詞前面修飾,表達「程度上更甚」的心情,表達說是好處更多、限制更少的方式。 But the limitations of the early film gave us the techniques to tell even more ambitious stories by hiding cuts. 但早期電影的侷限性,讓我們透過隱藏剪輯的方式,創造了更精彩的敘事手法。 句子用 even 來表達這種「意外的好」,表達舊的拍攝方式依舊能夠帶來好處和創新。 這邊要注意 even 在句中的位置,會擺在一般動詞之前,be動詞之後,或是助動詞(do, have, will, should...)和一般動詞之間。 以下提供幾個例句作為參考:



1. His house is so big! There's even a library in it.

  他的房子好大! 裡面甚至有一間圖書室!

2. You are here early! I haven’t even started making dinner.


3. With all the donations to the charity, they even give free health check-ups to the poor.



較新的 較舊