English Grammar - Advanced Passive Voice 進階被動語態

◇ Advanced Passive Voice

 The structure of a passive voice is "verb to be + past participle (V-pp)." In an advanced passive voice, the verb "to be" is changed. Let's look at this sentence, "So this is the gold standard that's being used." Though it may seem complicated to see "'s," "-ing," and "-ed" together, you may notice that "'s" is the contraction of "is," and "used" is a past participle. Originally, the passive voice is "is used," but to express the event is happening, we use the present continuous (be + V-ing) with the passive voice. As mentioned before, when we change the tense of a passive voice, we change the verb to-be instead of the past participle.

  被動式會遵循著「be動詞 + 過去分詞 V-pp」這樣的公式。進階版的被動語態其實只是在 be 動詞的地方做變化罷了。我們可以看看例句:So this is the gold standard that's being used. (這就是正在被使用的黃金標準。)雖然看到 's、-ing、-ed 同時存在好像有點複雜,但只要稍加拆解,就可以發現,'s 是 is 的簡寫,而 used 則是過去分詞 V-pp。所以,原本最初始的被動語態只有 is used,但為了在時態上表達這件事情「正在發生」,所以要將現在進行式的「be + V-ing」公式套入。而前面也提到過,被動式的時態變化都是作用在 be 動詞上,過去分詞不變。


1. The prisoners were being watched carefully back in the days they stayed in jail.


2. Risa believes that she is being poisoned.

  Risa 相信自己正在被下毒。

3. A significant discovery had been made.



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