English Grammar -Participle Clauses and Reduced Relative Clauses 分詞構句與分詞片語

◇ Participle Clauses and Reduced Relative Clauses

  因為分詞構句與關係代子句簡化為分詞片語都以現在或過去分詞的方式呈現,所以很多人會把兩者搞混。關係代子句簡化為分詞片語通常出現於名詞(先行詞)後,是省略關係代名詞後形成的分詞片語。例如:But though the idea of a secret group orchestrating political upheaval is still alive and well today, there is no evidence that the Illuminati survived, reformed, or went underground. 這裡的 orchestrating 修飾先行詞 a secret group,可以將句子還原成:the idea of a secret group that orchestrates political upheaval. 分詞構句目的在「簡化」句子,當兩句主詞相同時,會省略「表示原因、條件、時間等」那句的主詞,而動詞改為分詞。例如例句:But the ideas that spurred Weishaupt to found the Illuminati still spread, becoming the basis for many Western governments today. 這裡可以將句子寫成:But the ideas that spurred Weishaupt to found the Illuminati still spread and become the basis for many Western governments today. 至於是要變成現在分詞(Ving)還是過去分詞(V.pp),就要看該動詞是否是被動態。如果不是被動的話,該動詞改為Ving;如果是被動,則保留Vpp的型態。


1. Of all the documentaries shown this year, the one about the firefighters saving koala bears moved me the most.


2. Having been sent to prison for three months because of committing burglary, he was caught again when he stole a woman's purse yesterday,


3. A popular circus that started in 1915 has recently stopped using animals in its shows.



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